Poncsó szívvel

Poncsó szívvel
12 400 Ft
Elérhetőség: Megrendelés után 12 napon belül megvarrjuk.

He rushes out of the water in summer, you are trying to wipe him dry on a blanket, but he has a different opinion. Despite his blue lips, your kid doesn't have time to deal with nonsense because he wants his hot dog right away. We fully understand. This practical cotton poncho or towel, which can be put on very quickly, will save you the day. It is suitable as a comfortable piece of garment after a bath-time at home too. Thanks to 100% cotton the skin breathes freely. Poncho is available in three sizes and is unisex.

S (92 - 110)
M ( 116 - 128)
L (134 - 152)

If you need one too, you will find its adult version in the women's section.

Anyag: 100 % pamut 170gr 
Szín: Sötétkék csíkok - kb. 1cm széles
egy műbőr nyikorgó minta

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